Reflection #1

When I first started my essay my initial thoughts were that this task was going to be easy however this was not the case. I’m not gonna lie and say the task was easy but it also wasn’t hard. Talking about where I live should be easy for me since I’ve lived here all my life. But the thing is it was more than just talking about where you live, it’s about the story behind where you live and the experiences you’ve had. My challenge was getting started with the outline. I have this issue where it is hard for me to start my thoughts but once I finally get started all of my ideas come flowing in. I had to think about my most meaningful experiences and make them flow into a story. Not only that but it has to be interesting and has some type of meaning to it. I kind of used a bit of symbolism in my writing without paying much attention which was good because it made sense to me and I thought it would be great for readers to understand me more. The hardest part about writing this story was finding a quiet place to write. My home is very loud due to my annoying dog and siblings. I tried to just work these conditions and ignore them but it was just not working out for me. I ended up shifting from the task more often than I should and kept giving up on it. However, I found a way around that by playing a video on youtube that played noises that you would hear at night in the woods. This may seem like a weird tactic to use but it worked for a little while. I’ve known from doing work in high school that I am more efficient at night time when I wide awake and everyone else is sleeping not interfering with me. So once night time came around I got down to business and I finished it all with no interference. A problem I faced was sticking to the outline. It was hard having to write everything in such a strict way so I altered the outline even after I’ve started writing. When I start writing and feelings begin to pour out into the story ideas tend to change. Also if I had used my initial outline I feel as if I would have been repeating myself to fulfill the word count. When the story began to pour out it was more than just word count, I wanted to get my message out there. I think this caused me to write a great piece. I think this is what is making me a greater writer. A great writer doesn’t look at how much words they put into their work or how long the story is, it is more than that. A writing piece is the work of someone’s art. I feel like I have expressed my art in this writing piece, therefore, I feel accomplished.

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