Final Reflection

While deciding for a college I knew for a fact I wanted to go into an engineering field. I just knew that I liked building things and figuring out how was the best way to build it. You’re never limited to anything because there are so many ways you can build a structure. I decided to major in this at city tech however city tech didn’t really go into depth with it, they only had a two-year program which isn’t all that great to me. This brings up that when looking into college I didn’t want anything below a bachelor’s degree and I honestly I don’t even know the reason but that no going to stop me moving ahead. Coming into college I realized it is not at all what people described it to be. When hearing about college I thought it was some type of prison that the guards abuse you at. Attending college for the first time I didn’t see that at all. If anything it felt like High School 2.0 with more responsibility. This made me think that people don’t know what they’re talking about when they say college isn’t for them. I would understand if it was because of financial issues but rather than that all I’m hearing is that you’re not responsible that’s why you can’t handle it. I know I’m pushing my way through college whether it kills me or not. I’m going to be an engineer because I’m passionate about building and I feel that it’s best you go to college for what your passionate about rather than what you think is a better career option that pays. Although I’m going to college for this and my goal getting into the engineering school, I don’t know what the future holds especially since getting into the engineering school has some ludicrous requirements.

I feel like writing will play a role in my education and life to come because first it a requirement for school and second, there are actually lessons in writing. You write every day whether you think so or not, texting is digital writing if you ask me. This year in writing I realized that there is more than just a teacher reading your work and grading it. You’re not writing for the teacher you’re writing for an audience. I feel like this helps show students that it is more than what’s in front of us. We thought it was simple as we are writing for the teacher to grade and be done but this is showing us that we’re older now and the world isn’t so black and white, we can’t go to college then work our dream 9 to 5. People tend to miss the steps in between and reside in the future instead of making this happen in the present that matters. An example of this is to ask any senior college student or graduate how did they ever change their major. You’ll find out a lot of people do and not just one time either. This tells me that when I’m writing don’t make it black and white, but my own passion in it and see my work as art.

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