Reflection #2

I feel like there are countless reasons why people write, I can’t disagree with any of the reasons Orwell states because I’m me and I wouldn’t know about anyone’s reasons except my own. I can say that I agree with one of his reasons because it applies to my reasons for writing. This reason he calls aesthetic enthusiasm. He states that no book is free from it and I agree. I feel like every book has to have a lesson in it because what a good story has no conflict. In every conflict, there is a lesson learned after it is resolved. All authors use conflict in their stories to carry out their message. Depending on the author the message can be vague or direct. Most of the time there is more than one lesson and depending on the reader they will cling on to one of those lessons based on how they read the story and what they took from it. When I write a story I focus on what I learned and integrate that into the story. That can change with the flow of the story which is ok to me because it just shows more thought is beginning out in and the results would show that. At the end of the day, it is up to the reader to interpret the text. I feel like Orwell was spot on with every reason that people write but I feel like there’s still a lot more that we don’t know. For example, I feel like one reason people write is that they cannot express their message in any other way. English is broken up into speech and writing, what if the person can’t really speak and get their message across the way that they think their writing can. You can say that would fall under aesthetic enthusiasm but I don’t think it’s their desire to share it. I feel like that’s their only way to communicate in general. There are some people who would rather text than to speak to others. There are people who use their writing to speak for them. It’s more than just sharing and experience, to some people that is their lives. Also, I feel like another reason people write is to see how their views changed over time. For example, someone writes a piece and then, later on, they read it and disagree with their past opinion and decide to rewrite a new piece. This has happened to me a few times, I’d read something and realize that I don’t agree with it. Although I never thought to rewrite it, I know there are people who would do that with their own writing. People have plenty of reasons for writing some may unknown to readers.

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